Monday, October 26, 2009

Instant Gratifications

Fast foods, instant messengers and web browsing, these and a lot more give us the necessary things we need – food, communication and information- immediately.

Technological improvements gave us another choice on how to live life. Of course, no one wants to get left behind with our old ways of living. We accepted change without question, embraced it, like we have no other choice.

After so many years of living on instant things, people have become impatient with life. Waiting for your food to be served is really annoying.Going to the library became very tasking. A few seconds of lag time is a drag. Everyone wants everything fast.

Recently, I find myself getting impatient with things I would normal not be impatient about. It feels like I have a lot of things to do but don’t have enough time for all of them. I had to stop and think about what I’m doing with my life. I ride the train to get to work quicker. I choose fast foods over properly cooked meals because I’m always pressed for time. Instant Messaging and online browsing are essential to my work.

I’ve always thought I’m the “old school” type of person. I like doing things the old- fashioned way. I’m not a big fan of change. Now, I realized I succumbed to these instant things more than I wanted to.

I miss the slow life. I miss waking up in the morning and lazing around the house. Sometimes, I even get the chance to watch and appreciate the rising sun. I miss looking at the stars and thinking of all the things I can do with life. Today, I feel like there’s a heavy metal ball chained at my foot and a time bomb tied around my wrist. I can’t go anywhere or do anything but work. I wake up everyday in a hurry to catch the next train. I sit at my station worrying about time passing by and my unfinished tasks for the day, then I hurry out after a long day’s work to catch the next train back home.

Change. It doesn’t sit well with me. I’m not against technological advancements or instant gratifications. I just don’t want to get used to them so much. I don’t want to think that I would cease to function if any of these things are taken away. I want to see and feel the natural beauty of life. I want to appreciate life more, without worrying about how much time is consumed from watching the sunset, reading a good book, or feeling the cool air on my face.

I want to have time for life.

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